Workplace and Road Accidents
A concussion can be sustained anywhere, even in the safest of workplaces, or in a road accident as a driver, passenger, rider or pedestrian.

A fall, accident or an object hitting the head at work can lead to a concussion. Concussions are often more common in workplaces that require physical work, such as construction sites or a warehouse, but can occur in any setting such as offices and shared spaces. It can occur as a one-off acute incident or repeated trauma.
Most workplaces now have clear work safety procedures in place. If someone sustains a suspected concussion at work it is vital that they are professionally assessed and diagnosed. A concussion sustained at work can have the same long term detrimental effects as a concussion sustained on the sporting field.
Road trauma accounts for a significant proportion of concussion presentations and hospitalisations. Not only involving car drivers and passengers, but pedestrians, motorbike riders and bike riders are also at high risk of sustaining a concussion during an accident. A concussion sustained during road trauma can be caused by a strike, blow or jolt to the head that occurs during the accident. Importantly, a concussion can occur even if there is no direct impact to the head. It can be caused by the extreme force of the impact, which causes the head to whip violently forward and backwards (“whiplash”).
Concussions sustained at work or as the result of a road accident may be covered by WorkCover or the TAC (Transport Accident Commission). Patients are advised to obtain independent advice about making a claim via these agencies.
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