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Reference list of articles cited
- Schneider et al (2014): Cervicovestibular rehabilitation in sport-related concussion: a randomised controlled trial. Br J Sport Med 48(17): 1294-8
- Sawyer et al (2016): Physical activity and intermittent post-concussion symptoms after a period of symptom-limited physical and cognitive rest. J Athl Train 51(9): 739-742
- McRoy et al (2018): Consensus statement on concussion in sport- the 5th international conference on concussion in sport held in Berlin, October 2016. Br J Sport Med 51: 838-847.
- VanRavenhorst-Bell and Muzeau (2020): Test-Retest reliability of remotely administered Sway Balance and Cognitive assessments. White paper.
- Lourey et al (2014): Detecting cognitive impairment after concussion: Sensitivity of change from baseline and normative data methods using the CogSport/Axon cognitive test battery. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. May.
- Concussive head injury in children and adolescents. Volume 45, No.7, July 2016 Pages 470-476
- Herring S, et al (2021): Selected issues in sport-related concussion (SRC|mild traumatic brain injury) for the team physician: a consensus statement. Br. J Sports Med. 55: 1251-1261
- Sport Concussion Assessment Tool — For Adolescents (13 years +) & Adults. Br J Sports Med 14 June 2023
- Sport Concussion Office Assessment Tool — For Adolescents (13 years +) & Adults. Br J Sports Med 14 June 2023
- Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 6th International Conference on Concussion in Sport – Amsterdam, October 2022
- Stages of Graded Return to Play (AFL)
AIS Graded return to sport framework for community and youth
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